/************************************************************** Data Warehouse Design LAB (STEP 1) Create a lite version of the Northwind database (STEP 2) Create a new Data Warehouse called DWNorthwindLite a) The DW should have 3 regular dimensions and 1 fact dimensions b) The DW should have one fact table and 2 measures *************************************************************/ /***** (STEP 1) Create a lite version of the Northwind database *****/ -- Run this script to create the database you will need for the lab If Exists(Select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases Where Name = 'NorthwindLite') Begin USE [master] ALTER DATABASE [NorthwindLite] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE DROP DATABASE [NorthwindLite] End Go Create Database NorthwindLite Go USE NorthwindLite Go SELECT [ProductID] ,[ProductName] ,[CategoryID] INTO [Products] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Products] Go SELECT [CategoryID] ,[CategoryName] INTO [Categories] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Categories] Go SELECT [CustomerID] ,[CompanyName] ,[ContactName] ,[Address] ,[City] ,[Country] INTO [Customers] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Customers] Go SELECT [OrderID] ,[CustomerID] ,[OrderDate] INTO [Orders] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Orders] Go SELECT [OrderID] ,[ProductID] ,[UnitPrice] ,[Quantity] INTO [OrderDetails] FROM [Northwind].[dbo].[Order Details] Go -- Add Primary keys ALTER TABLE dbo.Products ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Products PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( ProductID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.Categories ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Categories PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( CategoryID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.Customers ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Customers PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( CustomerID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.Orders ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Orders PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( OrderId ) ALTER TABLE dbo.OrderDetails ADD CONSTRAINT PK_OrderDetais PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( OrderId, ProductId ) Go -- Add For ALTER TABLE dbo.Products ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Products_Categories FOREIGN KEY( CategoryID ) REFERENCES dbo.Categories( CategoryID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.OrderDetails ADD CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetails_Products FOREIGN KEY ( ProductID ) REFERENCES dbo.Products ( ProductID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.OrderDetails ADD CONSTRAINT FK_OrderDetails_Orders FOREIGN KEY ( OrderID ) REFERENCES dbo.Orders ( OrderID ) ALTER TABLE dbo.Orders ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Orders_Customers FOREIGN KEY ( CustomerID ) REFERENCES dbo.Customers ( CustomerID ) Go Select 'New database made with these objects:' Select Name From SysObjects Where xtype in ('u', 'pk', 'f') SELECT [TABLE_NAME] ,[COLUMN_NAME] ,[IS_NULLABLE] ,[DATA_TYPE] ,[CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH] ,[NUMERIC_PRECISION] ,[NUMERIC_SCALE] FROM [NorthwindLite].[INFORMATION_SCHEMA].[COLUMNS] Go /* (STEP 2) Create a new Data Warehouse DWNorthwindLite a) The DW should have 3 regular dimensions and 1 fact dimensions b) The DW should have one fact table and 2 measures */